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发布时间:2017-06-10 编辑: 来源:

时间:2017610 1430



报告题目VerifiableElectronic Voting in Practice

摘要:In this talk, I’llgive an overview of the cybersecurity research at Newcastle University. Inparticular, I'll share the progress that we have made in the field of e-voting,including the proposal of a new paradigm of e-voting system calledself-enforcing e-voting (SEEV). A SEEV system is End-to-End (E2E) verifiable,but it differs from all previous E2E systems in that it does not requiretallying authorities.The removal of tallying authorities significantlysimplifies the election management and makes the system much more practicalthan before. A prototype of a SEEV system based on the DRE-i protocol has beenbuilt and used regularly in Newcastle University for classroom voting andstudent prize competitions with very positive student feedback. Lessons fromour experience of designing, analysing and deploying an e-voting system forreal-world applications are also presented.

报告人简介:Feng Hao is Readerin Security Engineering at the School of Computing Science, NewcastleUniversity, and a co-lead of the Secure & Resilient Systems (SRS) group. Hegraduated with a PhD in 2007 from the Computer Laboratory, University ofCambridge, under the joint supervision of Prof Ross Anderson and Prof JohnDaugman. He had six years working experience in the security industry beforejoining Newcastle University as a lecturer in 2010. He co-designed J-PAKE,which has been used by several million users in commercial products, has beenadopted by the Thread Group as an industry standard for key agreement in IoT applications,and has been included into the ISO/IEC 11770-4 standard. He co-designed DRE-i,which lays the foundation for an ERC Starting Grant on “self-enforcing e-voting”(SEEV) and an ERC Proof-of-Concept that supports commercialization of SEEV. In2017, he co-edited, with Peter Ryan, a new book “Real-World Electronic Voting:Design, Analysis and Deployment” (CRC Press), which consolidates the state ofthe art in the e-voting field in real-world settings. Currently he serves onthe editorial boards of the IEEE Security & Privacy magazine and theJournal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier) as an Associate Editor.


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